planning tools planning planning building planning

Progress plan for your construction company

myplanner is a modern planning tool designed for both large and small businesses. Get a clear overview of the progress of your projects and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

With myplanner, you can easily plan your project's activities in a Gantt chart, and resource management allows you to plan who will do what. Dependencies between activities allow you to dictate what needs to be done before anything else can be started, automatically adapting the plan to the project's progress.  

The calculations associated with your projects can be used to generate activities for a progress plan. Here, information such as time spent, estimated cost, associated tasks and documents can be tracked all the way from calculation to execution. This gives the project manager a new and efficient way to monitor the project's progress. The progress plan can be easily designed and adapted to your needs and preferences.

Book a demo and find out how the module can streamline your projects!

More information about the planning tool

  • Dependencies

    The ability to set up activities so that they depend on each other can help to automate planning by ensuring that something must be done before something else can be started. This could be, for example, that a construction pit must be completed before construction can start.

  • Progress and frontline

    Frontline provides a graphical presentation of the project's progress. The line will graphically present the overall progress of the project as an aggregate of all activities' progress. This makes it easy to see whether the project is on schedule. If the line is behind today's date, you are behind schedule. With costs linked to activities, this will also provide a basis for partial invoicing.

  • Activity bank

    The activity bank contains a set of predetermined activities. With the planning tool, you also have the option to build your own activity bank to quickly add new activities to your progress plan.

  • Costing integration

    myplanner allows you to generate a progress plan based on the project's estimate. The estimate's price lines will be used as the basis for activities, with associated working times, costs, tasks (checkpoint) and supporting documents.

  • Resource management/resource planning

    The planning tool provides you with a progress plan where you have the option of listing who will carry out the various activities. This will provide a clear view of the planned tasks, and will provide executing personnel with information about when the tasks are due, with relevant checkpoints and documents.

  • Calendar

    The calendar function allows you to set up which days should be working days in the progress plan. You can also add days off and public holidays. This will give you a progress plan where employees and participants can easily see which days are working days and which tasks are to be performed on those specific days.

Smooth project execution with a solid progress plan

Efficient data sharing - with Build modules, All in one solution